I just love my mailman~~cuz he brings me packages and 3 today!! YippEE....

Furst off...I have a package from Jack!! I won a copy of his award winning book and it was paw-graphed too!! Pawesome!!

We love the book and Mom sure is laughin.... and enjoying it. WOW!! Sorry about that horrible poop situation on your furst day Jack!! BOL You all gotta get this book, cuz there are a TON of pics of Jack in here~~all adorable of course!!!

Next package is from Sew Doggie Style fur winning the St Patricks Hat contest. Thanks to all of you that voted fur me, I really appreciated it!

Anyways, I won a St. Patricks day green squeaky donut!! I sniffed it to see if it was edible and Nope just playable....

Next is a package from Oskar for winning the costume contest and again thanks to all that voted fur me!!

This seemed pretty heavy and I sniffed it out too. Turns out that it is a Big red leash to walk with. A dog can never have too many of those~~Since I have a new sister Addy, I am sharing with her and she is using it and lovin....it. If she sees it, then she starts going berserk, thinking that she is actually going somewhere?? Silly dog!!

THANKS fur all the gifts, I love them and it is just so great to have such good doggie friends.