Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
What I have taught Addy
A year ago when Addy came to live with us, I knew that she would have to learn several things in order to survive here. First was all about that ole flashy box and what to do when you are fed up with it. So I taught her how to give the Stink eye. It took a little practice in the beginning to get it down pat.
But...over time, I think she got it just right. She doesn't use it often cuz she is nice to Mom but only when necessary.

Good Job Addy!! We had no idea that she would have to leave us so soon but the job popped up unexpectedly. Mom has assured me that Addy will be able to come back and join in for our parties, dances etc. Addy hopes that Bertie wont forget about her. She is still barking about riding in that Tank and skeering the bejeebies out of everyone else!! bol She is under the impression that me and Sweet William were skeered and running from them!! I let her think that cuz she is having so much fun with it, Pups!!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
I was told some sad news today
Today, Mom sat me down with me and explained some sad news to me. She said that Addy is going to be leaving us. My ears perked up and WHAT... do you mean~~she is leaving us, what did she do wrong? Where is she going?
She said she didn't do anything wrong but Tom (moms son) got a new job and is moving to San Antonio Texas and that he is taking Addy with him. I was like in shock!! She has been with us for a year now and I just cant imagine life without her. This is her on her very first day with us.
After she arrived, we had our issues about feeding times and her demolishing my stuffies and yes, we fought over the toys in which I usually won!! Addy says she let me win~~yah right!!
But we became best pals. We love playing together and chasing each other around. You saw the video, well I can tell you that when she runs fast in the living room she jumps on the couch and it goes on its back legs. Lucky for the radiator or else it would end up on its back BOL

But, she cant go!! Addy is used to us and we love her and what will she do without me and the munchkins? What will I do without my playmate? Addy will not be used to a new place, a new town and being all by herselfs when Tom is working. Who will teach her stuff and watch over her? That was my job!! Who will she have to chase her and torment her? She just CANT go mom!! I am putting my paw down!! Gulp!! 2 weeks? She leaves in 2 weeks?? This is no good and I just have to go to bed cuz I am so sad right now!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
A funny Chase
Mom was uploading stuffs from the video cam and she found this that she forgotten that she took. Me and Addy are chasing each other in the upstairs hallway. Me and Addy LOVE to chase each other and we do it all over the house. This night the munchkins have been put to bed and so you will hear their music playing. At the end, Kim gets mad at us for making so much noise and you wont believe it but she actually Yelled at us and told us to knock it off!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
A BIG Thank-you
I shared Sweet Williams terrible comment problems and I want to Paw-sonally say Thanks for all of you for standing by Sweet William and his mom and encouraging them to keep on blogging and sharing your experiences with them. We don't want anyone here to have to deal with this kind of stuff. It is terrible that people have to be so mean!!
They realize that they are not alone and that we all DO care about each other. I think that will keep on blogging but they will moderate their comments from now on. I am really HAPPY cuz Sweet William is my guy and so he is pretty darn "Special" to me. I would have died if he left blogville.
So....again I say Thanks, you all are wonderful and through this, I hope you all made a new friend in Sweet William cuz he is a Sweetie!! hehehe.
They realize that they are not alone and that we all DO care about each other. I think that will keep on blogging but they will moderate their comments from now on. I am really HAPPY cuz Sweet William is my guy and so he is pretty darn "Special" to me. I would have died if he left blogville.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
ho hum
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Bertie and Addy
As you all know I got invited to the Valentine party by Bertie and he is quite a guy. He had me come and visit at his place and he showed me around Scotland before we left for the dance.
Before we left, Bertie gave me some flowers. I couldn't help but sniff them out, I am really partial to the Iris's. I am really glad that there was no pink. He knew the perfect flowers for me.
Since we both don't do clothes, we just went in our furs and we went in Style. Wasn't this Tank just the coolest?? I just got word that Jazzi got stopped and got a ticket from Sarge. I dont think that he will be messing with our tank or we will just BLOW him up!!! BOL
He heard that Jazzi got a poem so on the way, Bertie read me a poem too: He is too talented, he can read and drive at the same time!!
Oh my luve’s like a Sherman tank,
That’s newly painted green;
O my love’s ablaze just like the guns
Saluting my dear queen.
As fair art thou, my bonie lass,
So deep in luve is Bert,
And I will luve you still, my dear,
Till Blogville’s dust and dirt.
Now...isn't that really cool??
We arrived in and Bertie had a pool side table for us. It was very nice and I felt like a Queen!!
Whereas Sweet William had a table out on the patio for Jazzi. I think ours was much better, I'm just sayin.....
After a delicious dinner, Bertie and I hit the dance floor. MAN!! does he has the rhythm and the dance moves!! We did some Fox trot and some Jive and some Hip Hop. It was so much fun!!
We did peek in at Jazzi and Sweet William and they seem to be having a good time dancing. They were doing the hustle!!!
After dancing, we were both pretty hot so we decided to take a dip in the pool. No dogs were in there and we had the pool to ourselves. Bertie showed me lots of tricks and it was very impressive.
It must have looked like fun cuz in a few minutes dogs were everywhere in the pool and there were all kinds of pool games.
They had the King/Queen and we got to see lots of our friends and had lots of good food, so all in all, it was a really fun Valentine party!!
Thanks for inviting me Bertie, I had a great time.
He heard that Jazzi got a poem so on the way, Bertie read me a poem too: He is too talented, he can read and drive at the same time!!
Oh my luve’s like a Sherman tank,
That’s newly painted green;
O my love’s ablaze just like the guns
Saluting my dear queen.
As fair art thou, my bonie lass,
So deep in luve is Bert,
And I will luve you still, my dear,
Till Blogville’s dust and dirt.
Now...isn't that really cool??
We arrived in and Bertie had a pool side table for us. It was very nice and I felt like a Queen!!

Jazzi and Sweet William
I was so excited about the dance and was so busy getting ready that I kept Sweet William sitting at the door, but that's what guys do right? wait on us girls!! He showed up looking dashing at usual. He only had to wait for 87 seconds!!
I had my new Valentine dress on. He said I looked very beautiful!! I thought he was very Handsome!!
Of course Mom HAD to have her pictures!!
We are taking the red vertible and it all clean and ready to roll. Of course, we have tacos in the glove box~~bol!! Come on Sweet William, just hop right on in and lets get this Show on the road!!
Since I kept him waiting we were running a bit behind though so I knew I would have to speed to make up some time, not to be late. So we are zipping right along, flying like the wind, having a great conversation........
and all of a sudden I see red/blue lights on my mirror!! Oh Man!! You have got to be kidding me!!!!
I pull over and who do you think is on patrol?? Yes it was Sarge.
I told him my situation about why I was hurrying along and know what he did?? He wrote me out a ticket!!!
I mean how rude is that~~I am going to a Valentines party with Sweet William in the car, geezzz...... how Embarrassing!! I explained that I WAS in the fast lane and that's what it is there for. I looked at the ticket closer and saw a violation for having our heads out the window!! Hey Sarge, do you need glasses, we can't have our heads out the window, it is a vertible!!! of course both our heads are out. I carefully explained that if the ticket was for the wrong violation then it becomes void and I promised to slow down.(least till he is outta my sight)
He said he would give me a warning and he let us go. Now.....we really have to make up some time since we got delayed, so hang onto your cap Sweet William, we are off and running again!! c-ya all at the party!!

I mean how rude is that~~I am going to a Valentines party with Sweet William in the car, geezzz...... how Embarrassing!! I explained that I WAS in the fast lane and that's what it is there for. I looked at the ticket closer and saw a violation for having our heads out the window!! Hey Sarge, do you need glasses, we can't have our heads out the window, it is a vertible!!! of course both our heads are out. I carefully explained that if the ticket was for the wrong violation then it becomes void and I promised to slow down.(least till he is outta my sight)

Monday, February 13, 2012
My yummers!!
A few weeks ago, my adorable Sweet William asked me to the Valentines dance and of course, I said YES!! I am getting all ready with my dress and stuffs and LOOK what I received.
Sweet William sent me some yummy yummers. This is quite an assortment and I just LOVED it. I sniffed and drooled when I saw it. But...that's not the best part......
Besides the candy, he wrote me this beautiful poem:
O my luve is like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June:
O my luve is like the melodie,
That's sweetly played in tune.
As fair art thou, my bonie lass
Is my love for you Jazzi from Sweet William The Scot
WOW~~Not only is he handsome, he is a wonderful poet and that's my guy for ya!! Thank-you so much Sweet William, I LOVED it all. Cant wait until the dance!!

O my luve is like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June:
O my luve is like the melodie,
That's sweetly played in tune.
As fair art thou, my bonie lass
Is my love for you Jazzi from Sweet William The Scot
WOW~~Not only is he handsome, he is a wonderful poet and that's my guy for ya!! Thank-you so much Sweet William, I LOVED it all. Cant wait until the dance!!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
What do we have to do.....
Friday, February 10, 2012
See my package.....
We got a package today and it came from Uncle Ed. I did the sniff test on it. Yup its from Uncle Ed alright. the message on the side of it. It must be for me for Valentines Day!
Candy!! Oh I LOVE candy.
What do you mean it isn't real, it looks real to me does it to you?
Apparently this is a chocolate pin cushion~~SERIOUSLY, I am not joking you. It is fabric candy~~perfect for the seamstress with a sweet tooth. See....the sewing pins on the sides? You can stick them in the candy when you are sewing. Isn't that so cool? Aunt Linda made it but Uncle Ed sent it. Mom thinks it is for her but we all know that it is really for me, but....shss....dont tell her ok?
What do you mean it isn't real, it looks real to me does it to you?
Apparently this is a chocolate pin cushion~~SERIOUSLY, I am not joking you. It is fabric candy~~perfect for the seamstress with a sweet tooth. See....the sewing pins on the sides? You can stick them in the candy when you are sewing. Isn't that so cool? Aunt Linda made it but Uncle Ed sent it. Mom thinks it is for her but we all know that it is really for me, but....shss....dont tell her ok?
My Valentine dress
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
The new environmental green tractor trailer rig
My dad-peep is a truck driver and he drives one of these big 18 wheelers. You name it and he hauls it. He says if you get anything, it probably came by truck!!
Uncle Ed is in Colorado for a few weeks. He sent me this E-mail:
On our way to the grocery store I spotted this "new environmental green tractor trailer rig " and pointed out to Aunt Linda. As you know, she is all about this new "green" movement especially with her recycled garden and the new GEO thermal unit that we have in our new addition. So she was so excited to snap this picture and point out all the benefits of your Dad-peep using this type of rig in the pollution, no high gas prices, not to mention all the benefits for your Dad-peep to keep him young and might just give him a heads up as to the "New Holland" rigs of the future. I have been reading that there has been talk about ways to save money while keeping the employees in tip top shape!!! show this to your Dad-peep ok?
Hugs and licks......Uncle Ed is the new environmental green tractor trailer rig: Sorry Uncle Ed, but my Dad-peep said yah real funny and just shook his head~~don't think he is really too interested in that concept!!
On our way to the grocery store I spotted this "new environmental green tractor trailer rig " and pointed out to Aunt Linda. As you know, she is all about this new "green" movement especially with her recycled garden and the new GEO thermal unit that we have in our new addition. So she was so excited to snap this picture and point out all the benefits of your Dad-peep using this type of rig in the pollution, no high gas prices, not to mention all the benefits for your Dad-peep to keep him young and might just give him a heads up as to the "New Holland" rigs of the future. I have been reading that there has been talk about ways to save money while keeping the employees in tip top shape!!! show this to your Dad-peep ok?
Hugs and licks......Uncle Ed is the new environmental green tractor trailer rig: Sorry Uncle Ed, but my Dad-peep said yah real funny and just shook his head~~don't think he is really too interested in that concept!!

Friday, February 3, 2012
Our lives
WHAT would our peeps do without us?? Seriously their lives would be Boring with a capital "B"!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012
Would you like to see yourself on some money?? Now, that my assistant is afraid of loosing her job, she is spending more time with me now. We found this cool site and we began playing around with it. First, we started out small.
And went bigger with Uncle Ed:
Couldn't leave out Aunt Linda:
Added Miss Dog-zilla!!
Me and Sweet William at the ice cream shop last Spring:
Me in my funny Pink diamond glasses:
And....TADA!!! Sweet William!!!
This snazzy site is Festisite. You can make money from any country and put yours or your peeps pictures on it. You can share it and even print the money out. The only drawback is......that it doesn't work in stores, so I wouldn't try it there!! BOL Have fun!

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