Hold on tight Addy!! We are goin..fur a spin.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Bark up!!
When Addy and I go outside, I notice that she just sits and looks.
That is if....she isn't diggin up the rose bushes, Oh Wait!! she already did that, Poor bushes...Poor Mom..... she loved them soooo!! Anyways, Addy NEVER barks, not one bark!! WHAT is up with that??
Doesn't she know that there are pesty squirrels that NEED to be barked at??
Or...birds that NEED to be chased??
Or kids riding around, that NEED to be told to hurry along!!
She doesn't even bark one single arf!! We have never heard her bark yet!! Is that they way Bulldogs are?? If so...then all I can say is that they NEED some good ole fashion Terrier in them BOL!!! I am tryin....to teach her and we are getting a little whine outta her!!

Friday, May 20, 2011
Happy Birthday Wishes here!!
Today, on May 21st ~~there are several Birthdays in our family. Today is Addy's very furst Birthday!! So...she is officially 1 yrs old!! AND...she has been with us for 2 long short months now!! She isn't real keen bout wearing birthday glasses~~bol, she was having a cow bout them so needless to say~~they are a little lop-sided!!
It is also my dog cousin, Wrigley's' birthday too. I think Wrigley is about 7 yrs old. My assistant cant really keep this stuff straight anymore, its an age thing!! He he Wrigley lives in San Antonio, Texas.
And....last but not least, it is my human dads birthday!! I cant say xactly how old he is but lets just say he is finishing up on the fifties!! bol Here is Addy with her birthday toys.
She got this whole BIG jar of biscuits and she LOVES em!!
As you can tell~~they are lip smacking gooood!!!
So....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Dad, Wrigley and Addy!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Ooopppsss...I forgot to post this earlier!!
Somehow I forgot to post this earlier. My bad!! In April when my Mom went to Texas to see Molly, my Aunt Linda, (she belongs to the famous Uncle Ed,) she sent a package to Molly. When Jess opened it up, there was the cutest cupcake baby quilt fur Molly. Isn't it just the cutest?? Her room is done in pastels and it matches perfectly.
I was going through some pictures and found some more quilts that Aunt Linda has made. She made this one for Molly's brother Tyler about 4 yrs ago when he was born. His room was done in puppies.
This quilt was made for Kaleb about 4 yrs ago too. He was all about bugs.
This one was made for baby Zac. Course he is almost 2 now and not really a baby anymore.
Now.....this is my favorite~~My very own Snazzi Jazzi quilt. I wuv it!! It hangs in our Scottie kitchen.

She is such a GREAT quilter don't you think?? I bet Uncle Ed taught her everything that she knows!!! BOL J/K Aunt Linda!!! ;-)
She is such a GREAT quilter don't you think?? I bet Uncle Ed taught her everything that she knows!!! BOL J/K Aunt Linda!!! ;-)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Why, I ask??
Now, Would you look at this Monster bug!! This toy came with Addy from her previous owner. It is soft plastic and you think that Dog-zilla would have chewed it up in NO time flat wouldn't you?? Well.....she hasn't at all. She plays with it all the time and it is still in one piece. It is scary lookin...to me and trust me, I don't wanna even mess with it~~the "thing" gives me nightmares!! BOL
So....I had to ask Dog-zilla, WHY??...tell me WHY....you don't demolish your stuffs?
And....LOOK what you do to my stuffs?? All of em~~dead as a doornail!! She had NO reply!!
To Mom~~Happy Mother's Day
On this, your special day~~~
From Jazzi~~I want to say: Thanks~~~fur taking such good care of me and making me lots of stuffs like my new collars, my dresses my pillows and blankies, the car rides, the walks, the treats that you buy and make fur me, the head and belly rubs, playing toys with me, for keeping my favorite toys safe from Dog-zilla, and especially fur making me the best Tacos around!!
From Addy~~I want to say Thanks~~~fur letting me come and live with you, taking good care of me too, fur the treats, my new pillow, playing toys with me, the head and belly rubs, fur letting my 60 lb body squish you to death and be a nice lap dog, fur not making me wear dresses and stuffs since I am not a girly girl dog, being patient with me bout those rose bushes, so sorry bout those and BTW, they weren't all that they were cracked up to be anyways!! and.....for protecting me sometimes from that cracker dog sister that I have, she can be Brutal with a capital "B" sometimes!!! We both Love you!!
We have a Rose just fur you~~Jazzi insisted on holding it and seeing how she says, She is Da Boss round here!! and with those toofers, I have learned Don't argue with her!!
and there are some other goodies later in the day~so NO peeking, cuz we ALL know how you are!!!
Mom also wishes her 3 daughters a Happy Mother's Day too!!
From Addy~~I want to say Thanks~~~fur letting me come and live with you, taking good care of me too, fur the treats, my new pillow, playing toys with me, the head and belly rubs, fur letting my 60 lb body squish you to death and be a nice lap dog, fur not making me wear dresses and stuffs since I am not a girly girl dog, being patient with me bout those rose bushes, so sorry bout those and BTW, they weren't all that they were cracked up to be anyways!! and.....for protecting me sometimes from that cracker dog sister that I have, she can be Brutal with a capital "B" sometimes!!! We both Love you!!

and there are some other goodies later in the day~so NO peeking, cuz we ALL know how you are!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011
A Zillion pictures
Do any of you have a problem with your flashy box person? They want their pictures and they seem to want them right NOW and then they have to take like a zillion of pictures just to get the perfect ones that they want? Do you all cooperate with their demands?? I don't. She says~~Jazzi, Look here!!
I look up instead of ahead!!
Or I look to the side!!
Or I look down!!
Or I just totally want to hide!!
By now, she is getting frustrated and plops me into the chair. She may put me there BUT.....I am NOT gonna Smile~~and you cant make me, NOT even with a Taco, Well....maybe a Taco!! WHAT!!! No taco?? Well....just forget it!!
Don't they get just how annoying this all is to us?? So....She ends up taking a zillion pictures and then has to delete a bunch of them he..he..he!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Small Spots
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