They just don't get it at how really smart we are. I mean we can hear other dogs barking and right away me and Addy have to run to the window and we start barking back. We know xactly what they are sayin...right?? Its a dog lingo thing!!!~~~Today, Addy was sound asleep in the basement, she heard nother dog barking and ran as fast as her Dog-zilla legs would take her to check the situation out. Mom is like Addy, you don't know what it going on...uh.. yah Mom...we do~~you don't!!

You could blindfold me, tie my paws behind my back and cover my sniffer and I could still know and bark when nother dog is walking by our house, we just KNOW these things!! We also know xactly when these pesty squirrels are on our property.....are you with me??

And when these little dudes are out and about, am I right???

At night, if I start going is usually cuz the coons or the possums are out and I am 99.9999% right on. Then.....why.....why.....I ask... don't our peeps get it?? Does this happen to any of you guys too? It is ruff to be misunderstood when we are oh so right on!!!
From 2 misunderstood dogs living in Illinois!!
I also have a request. My friend Jasmine, (Jaz) needs all our helps. You see she is the smartest and bestest and the cutest shopper that I have ever known. She is trying to win a spot in a doggie magazine. Click on
Jaz and it will take you to her blog and she will explain more and tell you how to vote. You can also see clips of her shopping, she is amazing!! If you dont know her, this will give you a chance to say Hey!!