Thursday, March 31, 2011

Going to the Dr tomorrow

Tomorrow morning, Mom has gets to get up early!! yah right, I mean she doesn't get up before the crack of 8:30!! I could bark myself to death and she wouldn't even budge!! Seriously she wouldn't bol~~Anyway......We are going to see my favorite DR and get my check up. They sent me a card that I am due and I need my rabies shot and check for worms and all that junk.
They will check my toofers, see how much I weigh. I don't like to get on that scale, cuz gee....a girl shouldn't have to have others know how much they weigh, right?? I thinks that it is kinda personal. But not at this place~~One lady sees how much I weigh and then yells to the other lady way across the room~~how embarrassing!!
Once that is all done, I get to go with my grooming lady Beth and get my furs all cut and have a pretty skirt again, and get a paw-acure and a bath and I will smell beautiful when Mom picks me up again!!
Long and scruffy~~ Hair today, gone tomorrow!!~~I will be looking good for my birthday. My birthday is April 6th and I will be 5 yrs old!! I have been searching the house for hidden pressies but nothing yet. I sure hope that I will get some new stuffies fur my birthday!! See you all later with my snazzy new haircut!!

News from Uncle Ed

I talked to Uncle Ed tonight and told him that we are getting some pictures already. We are both looking forward to a great Bunny Look-like contest. I can see already that he is going to have a hard time judging the "Best of Bunny" but....I have complete confidence in him. While we were talking, he had some news fur me!! You know fur the winner, they get the greatest squeaky frog ever plus other stuffs. Uncle Ed told me that he is going to also give a gift or two to the "Best of Bunny" winner too!! He said that he will paw-sonally pick out the gift according to that special winner~~how cool is he huh?? He promised that it would have a BIG real pretty bow on it too!! So....this gift could be yours!!!
So....entries will be accepted until April 10th, so you have plenty of time!! Click on the bunnies in the convertible on my sidebar for all the information about the contest!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Our Sunday afternoon!!

WHAT?? You act like you haven't ever seen 2 dogs on a Loveseat before... ggeeezzz... Uh.... Excuse me!! Can we have some privacy here?? So we cans take a little nap??? Thank-you!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Who knew?

You all know bout my stuffie situation? Member my duckie?? "Quackers"
This is a duckie somebody gave me way back when I was just a puppy. Well, it has lasted me almost 5 yrs and Addy destroyed the eyeballs and the stuffie head.~~Well, well, well, little Miss Dog-zilla really did it now!! She decided to really open up my poor duckie!! And after she opened it up, she ran ALL over the house, upstairs, downstairs, the kids room, the bath rooms Lr/Dr, kitchen everywhere shaking MY poor duckie. There wasn't a place that she didn't take it to.
Who knew that lurking way down deep deep inside this duckie was a bunch of itty bitty white balls? We didn't know. So, if you will~~Imagine the look on Moms face when she saw all these itty bitty white balls ALL over every inch of this house?? BOL!! This look was priceless~~Too bad I didn't have that darn flashy box with me!! Bawwwww
So now we get to deal with Mr Vacula, which drives us both bonkers~~Thank-you Addison!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ok, I will keep her

OK, you guys talked me into it. I will keep her just awhile longer but.....if...she gets my Hedgehog then that's it!! Really!! We both got up this morning and we were waggin...our tails at each other fur about 5 minutes before we were chasing round!! BOL
When Mom was getting her groceries, she brought each of us home a long chewy bone Yay!! I would like to say that we have pictures but uh....Miss Dog-zilla ate hers already!! BOL I have some of mine left and know what I did with it??? I hid it, Ssshhhhhh...... Addy doesn't know bout it hehehehe!! One good thing bout pups, you can pull the wool over her eyes and she doesn't know what hit her!! BOL This Scottie can fool her soo easy!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


BOY!! Addy is relentless!! She is going through the stuffies like crazy. You member the 3 that she already got ahold of?? is the sock monkey!! And....the ducky!!
And...the baseball mitt!!
But....she hasn't got ahold of my favorite hedgehog from Uncle Ed...cuz it is on top of the fireplace. I can play with it when she isn't around.
Here...was is Moms dustpan!! She doesn't have to worry bout this anymore!! BOL
She has been getting gnawing on the bark and now she is attacking the rose bushes. She is literally eating the rose bushes, SERIOUSLY!!!~~She is B-R-U-T-A-L with a capital "B"Now...LOOK...where what she is doing?? Guess all that would wear a girl out!! Geeezz.....
Anyone interested in a ~~Free~~Dog-zilla chewy monster very sweet and cute Bulldog?? Please somebody say YES!!!!! ~~LOOK at that Sweet Mug!! I would say just leave me a comment but...I am afraid that I would come back and find not ONE Single comment!! BOL

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Addy meets......

My mom is in this Spring cleaning/organizable mode and Oh, BOL~~Addy got to meet Mr Vacula!! And she didn't like him anymore than I do, BOL How funny is that???

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lazy Day

It has been a cold rainy Illinois day and Mom had to go to work today and she was busy with stuffs once she got home and both of us are B-O-R-E-D with a capital "B"!! So this was our lazy day!! I hope she finishes with her stuffs soon~~we need some playtime!!.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dancing with the Paws

A new season of Dancing with the Stars started tonight and Mom says it should be a good season. Although Derek isn't dancing this season~~She is kinda bummed bout that~~She thinks he is a really good dancer and a good teacher, he won last season. I tried out for "Dancing with the Paws" but unfortunately I didn't get chosen fur it. (sigh)But.....on the flip side, I was chosen to have my name on a street sign!! How cool is that??

I saw it, I saw it~~It's here!!

I couldn't believe my eyeballs, I had to wipe them with my paws twice just to make sure. And sure nuff, I was seeing it right. Look!!! Yay!! Springtime is here!!Fur the first day of Spring, it rained and rained and rained some more. Thundered and lightened alot too, I was just so glad that it wasn't snow!! One good thing about rain and water puddles is...that ....Mom doesn't throw me into those ole puddles, BOL Are the rest of ya finding Spring at your house too?? This is just sooo exciting, cuz pretty soon I will be rolling in the green green grass!! ahhhhh.....

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh NO........

Oh don't!! You BIG hunk of Bulldog~~it's M-I-N-E!!!
She is under the impression that what's her is hers and what's mine is hers too!! Well....NOT this time!!! 3 more stuffies bit the dust today and I am putting my paw down!! I am runnin...outta stuffies!! Arrrgggg.....

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bad day at our house

That's right~~It has been a bad day here. We have lost not one, not two, but three of our friends. First, we lost my reindeer from Christmas~~his eyeballs are gone, his innards are gone and lost some of his body!!Second, we lost the squirrel.He got de-stuffed. He had a great squeaker and even a crinkle thing in him but not anymore!! He is dead as a doornail~~flat as a pancake!!Third and the worst ever was loosing Addy's favorite doggie. Mom made this fur me for Christmas and Addy took this over as soon as she got here and she was really nice to it and she took such good care of it and she thought it was her friend in a new household. Well....we played some tug o war with it and well....its ole head just popped right off. She was devastated to loose her friend. Poor Addy!Addy has been looking in the toy bin fur a new favorite toy and just can't find one. She just isn't herself now that she lost her BF toy. Guess she was sooo upset that she went out and dug ANOTHER hole!! Not scoring points with Mom doing that stuffs!! We will have to hurry and find her a new favorite toy, so that we will have some flower bed left, BOL

Great News!!

Babies are God's gift to us and they are sent from Heaven~~and my family is doubly blessed!Moms daughter (Jessica) in Texas is having another baby around April 14th. They have a little boy named Tyler and he is 3 yrs old now. a few weeks, Mom will be heading down to Texas to spoil take care of the new baby GIRL!! Thats right it will be a Girl!!

Then we found out that Moms other daughter Valerie is having a baby around Oct 24th. Valerie has the little boy Zac that we kidsit for. He will be 2 yrs old this summer. Everyone is really excited bout 2 new babies and I have 2 more munchkins to play with!!! They love the grandkids and if you ever come to my house, you will find this sign hanging up and Mom says it is soooo true!!! BOL

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our St Patrick's Day Dinner

Since it was St Patrick's Day and my Mom has some quirky food color issues, we had an interesting dinner. We had rainbow waffles. She found out about it over at Funky Polka Dot Giraffe . I just wanted some St Patrick's Day dog treats but NO......... Ha! So she mixed the waffle mix up and made them all colorful.....Put them in the waffle iron and wait fur it to do its Magic.....Patiently waiting, la de da!!!
And Walla!! Rainbow waffles!! but.....NO.... taco at the end of this rainbow! (drat)
I must admit~~that they were just the best and better than the doggie treats, Hey!! you can have doggie treats any ole day, but how often does a Scottie get Rainbow Waffles BOL

Happy St Patricks Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day~~You can see my other half at the top of the blog, yep. Mom said I hadda let "her" be on it!!
Seeing how this is Green day, wear your Green hats, dresses, collars and whatnot. Play with your Green toys....
and better........have yourself a Taco, cuz know what??? It has GREEN lettuce in it!! BOL~~works fur me!!
After the licious Taco, go To all things dog and you will find a terrific recipe fur some St Patrick's day cookies and that will make fur one fine St Patrick's Day!!
Have a Great day and make sure you have your Green on!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Capturing of the pesty squirrels

It is sooo nice here today and spose to get better tomorrow and so maybe just maybe Spring is here?? A good way to know if Spring is here is when the Pesty squirrels start coming around more. They seem to be everywhere. Since I am in charge of squirrel containment, I am on the job. I get on my lookout spot to keep a good eye out!!They come slinking out of hiding~~See their poky little heads sneakin...out?? See that look of FEAR??? They know that the Jazzster is on duty!!
I have found that a good way to lure them is to bribe them with some delicious food and what's better than a good ole Taco!! It works every time, they just CANT resist!! Then right before they grab the Taco, I snag em....
And put them in confinement!!
So, rest assured, I am on the lookout doing the best that I can to rid blogville from the pesty squirrel!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Where is that doggie toy??

Shhhhh.....I am sneakin on Jazzi's blog~~she is busy figure what the heck!! Here I am going through the toy bin~~ sock monkey~~duckie~~baseball mitt~~bear~~Where O where is that doggie toy??I know it is here somewhere~~Here doggie doggie!!! Aw-ha!! I bet Jazzi was hiding it from me!! This is my favorite doggie toy. I took this toy over the day that I moved in, which was about 10 days ago and I haven't chewed it up at all. I guess I am not a chewer but just a toy player. This dog has a Great squeaker and I just love it. I love ALL the toys and I am the bestest at scattering them all over the place, LR, DR, kitchen, down the hallway, up the stairs and even in the kids's room!! I like to have a toy in reach at ALL times. They say that I am worst than the kids and Jazzi just shakes her head at me!! I think she is just jealous!!


I just love my mailman~~cuz he brings me packages and 3 today!! YippEE....Furst off...I have a package from Jack!! I won a copy of his award winning book and it was paw-graphed too!! Pawesome!! We love the book and Mom sure is laughin.... and enjoying it. WOW!! Sorry about that horrible poop situation on your furst day Jack!! BOL You all gotta get this book, cuz there are a TON of pics of Jack in here~~all adorable of course!!!Next package is from Sew Doggie Style fur winning the St Patricks Hat contest. Thanks to all of you that voted fur me, I really appreciated it!Anyways, I won a St. Patricks day green squeaky donut!! I sniffed it to see if it was edible and Nope just playable....Next is a package from Oskar for winning the costume contest and again thanks to all that voted fur me!!This seemed pretty heavy and I sniffed it out too. Turns out that it is a Big red leash to walk with. A dog can never have too many of those~~Since I have a new sister Addy, I am sharing with her and she is using it and If she sees it, then she starts going berserk, thinking that she is actually going somewhere?? Silly dog!!THANKS fur all the gifts, I love them and it is just so great to have such good doggie friends.