Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We've been MIA

Hiya!! We have been MIA for the past few days. The family went to brunch on Mother's Day and something that Mom ate didn't agree with her and she has been in bed until today. Of course, I stuck it out with her and I did alot of this~~She is feeling much better today so we hope to get caught up on blogsThis morning, I got a phone call from who else?? Uncle Ed!! At first, I wondered what trouble he has gotten himself into now!! He wanted me to check my E-mail ASAP and he sounded very anxious. I thought OH GREAT~~This has got to be BAD!! So, I ran upstairs to get on quick and found a picture with my name on it. Ummm....He also sent an E-mail message. This is the deal. My Aunt Linda quilts and shops at this quilt shop in Kansas. They had these brown bags that you buy. The bags have lots of fabric in them and you have no idea of what colors are in the bag. You have to make a quilt out of the fabric that is in the bag and it has to be your own design. There is a deadline to turn the quilt in and the winner will be announced July 1st. This is the bag that she chose and this is just some of the fabric that was in the bag. There were several different blacks too.Uncle Ed said, That as soon as he saw the fabric, he told Aunt Linda that she HAD to make the quilt about me and then give it to me and of course, she did just what Uncle Ed said to do!! Smart lady there huh??? it is~~The Jazzi quilt~~Aunt Linda's very own design. I LOVE it and think she did a fantastic job on it. Uncle Ed's great idea, and Aunt Linda's great work!!! They are quite a team~~but Uncle Ed is the head of that great team ;-) I sure hope the quilt wins, there is $75.00 riding on this!! Gee....I wonder if she will split the $$ with me??? ahem ahem, Aunt Linda~~~


  1. ohmygoodgoogleymoogley this is CUTE!!!! And it's sooooo you too! Yer Aunt Linda is very talented. I hope she wins! Are they having bloggie or website voting? We can stuff the ballot box for her!


  2. Someone really needs to rethink their present for Mom on Mom's Day. Just saying. Hope she feels better quickly.

  3. Hey Jazzi,

    I am so glad to hear your sweet mama is feeling better and that you stuck it out with her! We scotties have such important jobs to do.

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your quilt!!! It looks just like you and I bet it is warm and cozy.

    I have been very busy working for the digging commity of "The Whole To Nowhere" should I recommend you for a job?

  4. Praying mom feels much better, soon. I am sooo very sorry that your mom is sick.

  5. I hope your mom is feeling much better now, Jazzi!
    The quilt is pawesome!
    Kisses and hugs

  6. OMD!

    What a GREAT khwilt!

    We hope your mom is feeling better!


  7. WOW! That's an amazing quilt! You're one lucky dog!

    I hope your Mom's feeling better. *hugs*

  8. Oh Jazzi....hope your mom is feeling better..gee did Mom eat what Lynn did at Rocky Creek?
    Love the quiltie...fetching piece of work...well not fetching, I mean you would look fetching on it...BOL

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. How can she lose with that quilt? (Unless the judge likes cats). You should go and stand next to it when it's judged!

    Hope your human is better--what a bummer getting sick over her special brunch!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  11. You have made momma drool on the keyboard...BOL She loves this quilt...Its just pawtastic!

    Wags and Licks,
    Mollie Jo & Bobo

  12. Hey Jazzi, we're back. Saw you on Westward Ho, at least the credits. A shame there wasn't room for an episode. You rock, girl!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  13. What a beautiful Scottie quilt, Jazzi! We LOVE it!
    We hope your mom feels 100% soon!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  14. I'm so sorry to hear your Mama's been sick, but glad you stuck by her while she was getting better. That quilt is so beautiful! Your Aunt and Uncle are a talented and creative pair.

  15. That quilt is a winner in our book!!

    And we hope your Mom is feeling better. We know firsthand how much work it takes to take care of a sick Mom.

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

  16. That is an amazing quilt! How talented your Auntie is (and patient too to cut out all those little pieces). Fear not, momma has likely flushed out all the cooties from the bad foodables by now.


  17. That is awesome! Your Aunt Linda is quite the talented lady! So what if it wins or not - you got one totally cool, personalize, one-of-a-kind quilt out of the deal!! If she's looking for more inspiration, tell her Frenchies look great on quilts too BOL!

    Brutus the Frenchie

  18. Jazzi oh we are so sorry mom got sick on Mommy's day...bummer!!! Mom is getting pretty paranoid about eating out around here too. We are always hearing about bad lettuce, bad meat etc. We are glad you took good care of her.
    THAT IS A BEAUTIFUL quilt. Mom's favorite color is red so you know she likes it. Your Aunt is very very talented.
    Hugs Madi and MOm

  19. That is the most a may zing quilt ever!!!

  20. Sorry your mom was ill but thankful you were there Jazzi to take care of things.
    A dog's life is just so full of responsibility.
    We cannot tell you how much we love that quilt - beautiful.
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  21. Oh Jazzi that quilt is beautiful!! I am sure Aunt Linda will win!!! A quilt just for you Jazzi makes you very important!!!
    I have started your shopping bag. I hope it will be good and you and Mom will like it!!
    I have a lot of problems with my hands now.
    The same thing happened to me years ago. We went to a BBQ place for Mothers day and I got SICK!!!!! Have never been back there!!!
    XXoo, Bambi & Fern

  22. WOW! That is one of the most beautifulest quilts I have ever ever seen, Jazzi! Your Uncle Ed sure is smart and your Aunt Linda sure is talented. I hope she wins cuz I can't imagine there would be another quilt so amazingly gorgeous!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  23. Oh Jazzi...that is a very beautiful quilt!!


  24. Good blogging my friend!

  25. miss jazzi,
    i'm so sorry your mama got the sickies from foodables of all thingies?! i'm super glad she's feeling better now.
    oh, and i looove your quilt! that is so so cool. your uncle ed had a grrreat idea, and your aunt linda put that quilt together most beautimously!!
    the booker man

  26. What a great quilt!!! Talented Aunt Linda :o) You're one lucky pup :o)
    Judie, Hamish & Judie
