It is April 6th and it is my Birthday. I am a whopping 4 yrs old today YAY!!! Mom went through my doggie book and found a few pictures to share with you all. This picture was taken the day that they brought me home, I was 4 months old and you can tell I was kinda shy and not sure what my life would be like with my new family.

As I got to know them better, I soon realized that I have a pretty good home here and began to relax and enjoy my family.

I used to like to sit in the window ledges on the 2nd floor, cuz you can see what all is going on from there, :-)

Mom has really broadened my horizons to say the least~~she has got me to do many things that I never thought I could do:
Horse riding~~

Bike riding~~

She has taken me to new heights~~

I have my own GREAT Uncle Ed~~

Oh Ok!! present time here~~This one I received from Remington.

It sure smells good~~and so does the card~~sniff sniff

I got a cool toy and a hooded sweatshirt from Remington, but I am overtaken by the great smell of the treats ha!

I cant stand it~~Open the bag! Open the bag! Awwwww......

Next, I got a squeakable sock monkey from Mom, yah, that's nice,

but...can I have some more of Remington's treats pleeaassee???

Let me model the cool sweatshirt. It fits just perfectly~~

Mom even got me a birthday cake decoration and a "Queen for the Day" crown, cool huh?

Here are some of the friends that stopped by for my birthday~~

WHAT?? a doggie lunchable!! Ok! I will be right there!! Thanks so much Remington for the gifts, I love them all especially the treats!!
The doggie lunchable: turkey, cheese, chips.....and 4 candles!!! I am sitting here thinking, How am I gonna blow these babies out??

Just a little look closer~~and mom was afraid I was gonna singe my eyebrows!! HA!

and...for dessert~~3 M & M's and more of Remington's treats. Look!! little paws made right in the treat~~How cute is that?? and they are soo yummy!!

This day keeps going and going and going~~What else will there be??
A new piece of trivia has come to us~~I actually share my birthday with......guess what???
The Twinkie!!! Yes, its true. the Twinkie's b-day is April 6th, 1930
On April 6th, 1953~~Swanson's TV dinners went on sale in the stores

and I share a birthday with Congress woman Michele Bachmann from Minnesota.