Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Wednesday reminder

Just a reminder to get signed up for the Blogville Christmas Gift Exchange.
 Here's the info:
There are 2 categories: singles and groups. 
Amount for singles is 10.00 and 20.00 for groups.
The deadline will be Nov. 13th and the 
List will be out on Nov. 16th. This will give time for shipping your gift to your partner

Let me know if you are a single or a group.
I will need you to email me with your blog info and your dogs name. 
Send to:dcraftsalot (AT)

***Remember....only sign up if you can follow through. We want everyone to receive a gift. This is a fun time to give and receive gifts then we can shop till we drop!!!
There's 7 Fridays before Christmas!!!!


  1. OMD..Only SEVEN Fridays left!?!?! EEEEK!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  2. We Beaglebratz Ladiez just sent u our info. Miss Maizie haz no idea'bout Santa Pawz - shure hope she duzn't bite him.
    Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizie
