Diana Here. Addi has been here this week and these two have been super busy. This is a hilarious and very true story but you will need to imagine it. I wasn't able to capture it on camera.
Ever see My best friends wedding? The bride runs by with the soon to be husband chasing her and then comes Julia Roberts chasing the soon to be husband?
Well...in this case I let the dogs out and they saw a bunny. Enter stage right...Bunny runs across the yard followed by Oreo chasing the bunny followed by big ole Addi hot on the trail.
On the left out of sight of this picture are some bushes. The bunny runs around the bushes and re-enters stage left....same bunny runs across the yard again followed by Oreo chasing the bunny and big ole Addi still hot on the trail and they loose sight of the bunny.
WHERE did that bunny go they wondered?
It was just here and they are both just stunned. So close and zap its gone!!! Flabbergasted!!
They snoop and run around looking for the bunny.
They sniff every crook and cranny of the yard and......NO sign of said Bunny!!
The bunny has a front row seat and is watching all of this right in front of his eyes!!
This mama didn't raise a dumb bunny.LOL
I was just cracking up because neither of them figured it out. They are probably still scratching their ears wondering where that ole Bunny went!! Each time they go out, they still look for it!! HA!