Monday, January 2, 2017

Congrats to Arty on Inauguration Day

I've have the great opportunity to speak at Arty's Inauguration.
Hello....all you out in Blogville.
I am happy to be here today to celebrate with Arty....although I have to admit that...I wish..... that it was Christmas's Inauguration.....bol but I am still so excited because a great guy has won the Mayoral Office.
Both of our campaigns worked really hard. Christmas and I traveled the country and we met so many of you and we totally loved that. We thank those that we visited for showing us around where you live. We also Thanks those of you that supported us and voted for us.

I'd also like to acknowledge our past Mayors:
Frankie and Ernie
Madi and
Stanley and Murphy.
You all have done a superb job and we Thank you for your service to Blogville.

But Arty...No one who has worked as hard as you have in this election time.
Now your efforts have paid off. Congrats!
If Oscars were given for a job well done, they'd be given to you!
No matter how big a crowd may be, a dog like you always stands out.
Your dedication, enthusiasm and insight are really inspiring.
It will a pleasure to work with know how to make things friendly and inspiring.
I will be working with Christmas as his assistant City Manager. We both are thrilled to be able to serve Blogville in this capacity.

I am sure that under your great leadership, wisdom and guidance Blogville will remain a wonderful place to gather, share and be there for each other. You will bring us to reach greater heights and achievements.
              Congratulations on your win! 


  1. Happy New Year.
    It's going to be a great year here in Blogville.


  2. Great speech Oreo.
    All the best for 2017.
    Toodle pip!

  3. Bravo! Great speech!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley
    Mayorz Emeritus

  4. I guess I should do a flyover. Be sure to wear a hat.

  5. Great speech Oreo. We know you and Christmas will do a great job in the city manager office.

  6. Great speech, bud! I'm glad to be working alongside a guy like you.


    Wow Oreo, I am so humbled by your words!! I know you and Chris are going to do a great job as City Managers and when I go on vacations or business trips I know that Blogville will be in great paws!!!
    Mayor Arty

  8. Great speech, Oreo! We know that you and Christmas will be a huge help to the new mayor. ♥

  9. Oreo ....what a lovely speech! You and Chris will make wonderful city managers. You are both kind, fun, have big hearts and great skills we are in good paws with you two.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. Oreo - what a great speech! It will be wonderful to work with you and Christmas and Hazel wants to say how very proud she is!
    Vice Mayor Mabel

  11. Wonderful speech Oreo! Blogville is in good hands and we are so pleased Christmas was named city manager. He will do a FINE job.

    Abby Lab

  12. Great speech, Oreo! You and Christmas are going to do a great job!

  13. Oreo, you speak so well! I know that you and Christmas will do a grrrreat job!
    Your Furend
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  14. Crikey Oreo .... that brought tears to my eyes. What a great speech and congratulations to Christmas. City manager, aye? Christmas will do a great job.

  15. Happy New Year! Hoping to get in on all the fun in Blogville this year ;)

  16. I was proud to be a Detective
    Edward (& Lily)

  17. A fine speech. We know every furry in office will do a great job.
