Saturday, January 9, 2016

Our Christmas gifts

We are kinda slow getting going again.  Addi and I had a wonderful Christmas. I got a gift package form Hazel. I actually destuffed this toy in less than 5 min and loved the treats. 
Loved this super cute collar...
and it fits perfectly!! Thanks Hazel
My gift name was from Walter. I got some more toys and treats. I'm saving destuffing them until I am really bored with Mom working. Thanks Walter
Addi's name was Buddy. She got some toys and she loved them and plays with them all the time. We are both very toyee that really a word Mom...yep. well ok!! Now  my Mom got a a bit delete happy with the camera and accidently deleted Addi's pictures...she felt soooo bad!!
So you  have to imagine a BIG Dog-zilla bulldog going crazy with her toys!!
Thanks Buddy!! It was a great Christmas!!


  1. Aww I love your presents!! Thanks for hosting this fun swap. I really enjoyed it!!!

  2. You got great gifts! Love the collar!

  3. The collar is super cute... I love it! And wow you are faster than me, I still have the toy I've got from Millie&Walter... my mom says that's a super miracle hehehe

  4. We're glad you liked your toys and treats. We don't see the bandana our mom made for you. We hope it fits. If not let us know and she can make another in a better size.

  5. Looks (and sounds) like so me pawsome gifts you both got!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  6. It sounds like Mom should have received a gift of the camera instruction manual.

  7. Of COURSE TOYEE is a Word.... and a darned Fine one at that...

    OMD you and Addie SCORED BIG fur Christmas... and you Deaded a Stuffie INstantly.. That is an Indication that it was/IS a GOOD stuffie...
    Like with BOOKS the GOOD ones are always Dirty and have loose pages and DAWG EARS... the OTHERS look like New... furever...

  8. Destuffing I love it!

    Aroo to you,

  9. Glad you got to open your toys before next year! We have lots of toys and play with them a lot too!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley
