Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hey guys....Guess what is happening?

Its my New Home-aversary!! That's right...its been a ONE year now since I came to live with my new family. Can you believe it?
It just seems like yesterday that we were shopping for my new bed and new toys.
Me and Addi get along beautifully if you don't count the growling, gnashing of teefs fight that we had on Thanksgiving day when she thought that shed take my bone from me.....Not so fast there Miss Dog-zilla. I can say that I retained the bone!!!
I get to entertain little Bailey every Wednesday. We do have fun together.
And last but not least...I met my little Sweetie Hazel. We do make a cute couple huh??
Its been a fun year for me and I love my family and am just spoiled rotten!! hehehe
Diana here: After Jazzi passed...I was going to wait and get a Scottie from Lynn at Rocky Creek Scotties. A reader emailed me about Oreo. I talked to the owner and I just knew in my heart that he was our next dog.

Ive never had a rescue dog before and its been a real challenge with Oreo. He had bad separation anxiety and it took lots of patience with him. We had the dog therapist come in to help and we had to train him to be in a kennel and he had never been in one before. When we would leave..he would bark and bark. When we came home...he would bark and bark. I did think sometimes that I made a huge mistake but I knew in my heart that it would work out. The trainer said that it would take time to work itself out but he didn't know how long it would take.

Well....It has been 1 yr and he just started that when we leave Oreo in his kennel he doesn't bark and when we come home he doesn't bark!! YAY!!! Now we can move to step 2. We can put an enclosure around his kennel so that he can get used to a little more space. He cant stay in the house because too much space by himself get his anxiety all worked up. It is so nice to come home to him now.

He always slept in our room and sometimes he will go on his own and go to one of the beds in the other room and sleep which is a big deal!! He is like my shadow and today I left the room and he didnt follow me which is really huge!! So he is making slow and steady progress.
He loves the kids and stays in the yard and loves to go places and we all love Oreo. He's a keeper.


  1. YAYAYAY!!! Happy 1 year New Home-aversary!! We are so very glad you and your pawrents found each other and that YOU found Blogville!!!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  2. Hari OM
    ....uh oh you got a deletion to do, darn spammers... , OREO - YOU LITTLE STAR!!! That is so good that you are trusting mum and dad now and that life is really really really good for you!!! I so look forward to meeting you in June; by which time I think you will be ready for the big adventure! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Congratulations on your newhomeaversary Oreo. Gosh it can be quite a challenge,setting into a new place, for sure. I think you are doing brilliantly.
    Oh and I am so envious that you get to see Addi IN THE FLESH on a regular basis). And by the way, what's a little growling and gnashing of teeth between friends?
    Toodle pip!

  4. Yay, Oreo! Happy Gotcha Day☺

  5. SO happy for you! I understand the challenges of LadyBug is a rescue and we had quite a time in the beginning. It took a couple of years before she felt really comfortable. I assume someone must have really scared her. She, too, has terrible separation anxiety! Happy Gotcha Day Oreo!!

  6. one year... that are 365 days with love and hugs and doggie kisses... you are a happy pup Oreo and I'm happy too that you found such a wonderful furever home :o)

  7. January 7 will be 2 years with Kali. She was the "wild child" when she came here but she keeps getting better and better.

  8. OMD OMD CONGRATULATIONS on your One Year New HOME of LOVE anniversary. It seems like YESTERDAY that you arrived there... and Just LOOK at all the Pawgress you have made, since your VERY FORTUNATE arrival.
    We are SOOOOOO happy fur you Oreo.

  9. congrats on your one year gotcha day anniversary. As you may (or may not) know I came to live with mum about 16 months ago after Cody went to the Bridge. I had a nasty habit of dashing outside EVERY time mum opened the door. I was getting better, and mum thought I was over it but just lately I have taken of a couple of times. Now that I have Valley Fever (which seems to be getting better -- if I take my med, bol) mum has not been taking me with her as much!!! I get along with Tigger and Sixpence, although in the beginning they used to stare me down and corner me (imagine, 2 10 lb kitties and me -- I weight 80 lbs at t he time). I am kinda embarrassed about it, but they told me it was because they (especially Sixpence) missed Cody and had to get used to me. Anyway -- congrats, aagain, Oreo


  10. Happy Home-aversary, Oreo!!! It is all because of the very special loving home you found that all those anxieties are going away.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  11. My sweet Oreo! It is wonderful to hear that you are doing so well in your furever home. So happy that your mom has had the patience and love to help you be a happy dog.
    Happy Gotcha Day
    Bailey & Mabel too

  12. Happy gotcha day, Oreo...and many more to come!

  13. Happy Gotcha Day Oreo,
    Lady understands some of the challenges you faced together. Hailey was NOT an easy rescue. But the reward for it has been amazing - worth all the work! Wishing you a less bark-y year two.

  14. Happy Belated GOTCHA Oreo! We knew you were a keeper right away! BTW, why are hoomans surprised that the smaller doggies can put the bigger ones in their place BOL!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. Yay for forever families!! You guys are all blessed to have each other. When the right pup comes along you know it and you all were meant to be each others family!!

  16. Yay!!! Happy One Year!!!!!!!!! There will be lots more too, so pawty hard!!!


  17. Oops how did I miss this post!! Happy Gotcha Day late!
    (I think blogger is not showing me all my posts for everyone...super annoying).
