Monday, September 29, 2014

Costume giveaway

We  are having a Howl-O-ween costume giveaway. The costumes are from Entirely pets.  Addi was pleased forced  to model the costumes!!! Now you must all know that Addi is not a clothes kinda girl like Jazzi was. HA!
First one: A really cute purple dinosaur. This really made her very happy. Not!! Imagine Addi turning circles and me turning circles right behind her saying Addi wait, we just hafta put your leg in this leg hole, Addi!!. TADA!!! Finally after 87 minutes!! I don't know who was more tired me or Addi!! She refused to stand up ha! but she was sooo cute in it.
Next came the wonderful spider, again just add that  she can hardly contained her excitement horror bout it. Actually she thought it would make a great play toy.
Lastly the butterfly. I do think she would have flown way if she could have.
Addi: Hey! Can you open that window so I can end this ordeal ??????
This is what she thought of the butterfly.
These costumes are made out of great really soft material and they went on really easy, well considering its Dog-zilla who wants to remain in the furs. I was thrilled with the quality of the costume.
So we are going to give away the dinosaur and the butterfly costumes.  (Addi is going to be the Spider for Howl-ween)
WAIT!! There's more.
To one lucky winner they will be able to go to Entirely Pets and choose their own costume for Free and the company will send it right to your house in time for Howl-O-ween.
To enter just leave a comment and I the beautiful Addi will draw the names on Friday and post the winners on Friday.
Addi: PLEASE help me get these costumes out of this house!!!
NOTE: Dinosaur is a large size and the butterfly could fit a medium to large size dog!!


  1. Well done beautiful Addy. Patience of a saintly girl.

    Freya would love a costume, but I don't think they would send it all the way here. Maybe we can enter and if Freya wins she can pass it to a charity to auction. Can't let those great costumes go to waste :-) Luv's Addy looks like your working hard there. :-) x x x

  2. Oh Addi, we feel your pain! I, Lily Belle am NOT, and I repeat, am NOT a clothing type of girl either. I will run and hide when I see Mom coming with even a sweater in her hands. I give you a lot of credit for being such a wonderful (but unhappy) model.

    Lily Belle

  3. we don't do cloths either - mainly because our furs just stick our everywhere and we are boys after all :)

  4. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooo. Put my name in da hat!
    Mom never dresses me up (except for my winter coat (which I like) and my scottish kilt) but thinks it would be fun to put me in a real (not Photoshoped) costume. I'm not really a butterfly (dat's probably a girls costume) but the dino costume is real nice and I do look good in purple. However dat my be too biggy for me (I'm only 20 lbs) but I could give it a whirl.

  5. Oh Addi - you poor dear! My mum dressed me up as a lobster when I was just a wee pup - Oh humanity!

    Edgar and his mum

  6. Great costumes, you are a perfect model! Mom always waits til the last minute to dress us up so this would be perfect!

  7. OMD girl, you look adorable!! You know how much our Mama loves costumes...we would love to win one!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  8. A few years back I would have said no to the spider costume because nobody could see where it ended and I began. Now I can wear it-I'm grey.

  9. Oh my dog I would love a costume
    Lily & Edward

  10. You are one patient pup to model all of those costumes! We are very excited about Howl-O-Ween this year! We would love to win a costume!

    Braeden, Seth and puppy Riley

  11. Well Addi, as you know, we are in total agreement regarding this costume wearing business. Although I must say you look awesome in that spider outfit. (But I would draw the line at the butterfly).
    Toodle pip!

  12. Those are the cutest costumes! Jazzi is smiling with all of this frivolity going on!

  13. Oh Oh too cute!! Those two would be to big for us, but you could put us in for the pick your own.
    Mr Bailey & Hazel

  14. Addi, we feel your pain!! We can't move if we have any clothes on. We think that spider needs to be deaded.

  15. Addi, you are a wonderful model. You just have your own standards!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  16. OMD, you poor girl, Addi! We can see the displeasure written all over your face but know what? You look really cute in all of the costumes!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  17. Addi i loves the dino costume I think even a big girl like me could fit into that if i suck my gut in BOL>
    xo Cinnamon

  18. OH ADDI!!!! The HORRORS!!!!! I don't want any of them in MY HOUSE!!!!!
    Um, Ruby's Ma here ~ I would like to put Ruby's name in for the butterfly costume.
    Ruby: NOOOOOOOO!!!!
    Ruby: crap.
    RM: hey! watch your language! This is a G rated bloggie!!!
    Ruby: crud.
    RM: better.
    Ruby ♥

  19. Halloween I love dressing in costumes. Why there are several parades around my town for the bestest dressed dog. And the tikes in my reader dog program really loved me dressed up. I can't fit into the large but put my name in for being able to pick out my own.
    Addi you did great modeling. Yea Right you really did.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  20. Those are some great costumes! Now we just need to decide what to be...

  21. Addi bless your heart for being the model...of the giveaways. Thankfully I'm a cat with daggers and fangs thus I don't have to wear anything except my bday suit.
    Good luck to all entering
    Hugs madi your bfff

  22. Oh! Addi! What a good job you are doing?? I've just found out about Jazzi and I am soooooooo sad for you all. Dear, dear Jazzi! You must be missing her so very much. And it was so sudden. What a shock for you all. My love and prayers to all of you. Big hugs from Charlie!!

  23. Addi you are too cute in all those costumes.

  24. We are having a Howl-O-ween costume giveaway. ...

  25. A few years back I would have said no to the spider costume because ...
