Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Gotcha Day!!

This is my Gotcha Day. I was gotted 7 yrs ago when I was just 4 months old. This picture was my very 1st picture in my new house. Little did I know about that flashy box!! I used to be named Sugar and they changed my name to Jasmine, Jazzi or Jazz for short.
I have a wonderful family and have plenty of grand peeps to play with and Miss Dog-zilla to contend with, ;-) I wouldn't change anything and am so glad for and love my family.
Although... I am getting the word that my peeps are leaving me Sunday morning to go on a 3rd  honeymoon to Colorado!! many honeymoons do peeps need?? I am being left with Kim but on the flip side, she is sooooo easy to snatch food from so this could be a win win for  me. That means that I wont be able to visit many blogs for a week or so. I will try to pop on when I can.


  1. Sugar or Jazzi, you're still sweet...except to squirrels. Hope you get lots of illicit treats...BOL!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. You have a very clean hair... Xeti would love to touch it:) We follow you and also on Pinterest! Have a great CATURDAY!

  3. Happy Gotcha Day, Jazzi!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  4. OMD your GOTCHA DAY !! Are you gonna have a BIG PAWty? Cake and I Scream and Taco and PRESSIES??

    We are sorry to hear that THEY are going to leave you... with KIM.

    HAPPY GOTCHA DAY TO YOU JAZZI!!! ENJOY your special day.

  5. Woo Hoo, Happy Gotcha Day Jazzi!!

    We hope that you have a pawsome day.

    Be sure to snatch a lot of Kims food while she is there :)

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  6. you were a cutie then and still a cutie now

  7. Happy Gotcha Day Jazzi!! AND MANY MORE!! Hopefully, Kim decides to fix tacos on one of the days you are there. :)
    Much Luvums,
    The Slimmer Puggums
    George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

  8. I was called Mullen when I was rescued. Kyla is an old Scottish girl's name and means (loosely) "hot as a supermodel". I found peeps who appreciate me.

  9. Happy Gotcha Day, Jazzi! We love your "new" name and appreciate your love of tacos:-)

  10. Happy Gotcha Day Jazzi! Wishing you 87 million more! Lee and Phod

  11. Happy Gotcha Day Jazzi! May your day be full of treats!!

  12. Gosh you're getting a lot of vacations away from home this summer too!

    Have a great Labor Day.

  13. Hap-Pee Gotcha Day, Jazz! I sure hope you get lots of treats and hugs before your peeps leave you. And I hope they bring back lots of treats from Colorado!


  14. Jazzi, Happy Gotcha Day!! You were such a cutie pie and still are of course. I hope you have a wonderful day. A loving family is the best, we are lucky pups

    Loveys Sasha

  15. Happy Happy Gotcha Day Jazzi!!!
    Wows, lookie at you as a wee lass!
    How cute is that?!
    Well, I hopes your Peeps have a FABulous time on their trip, and I hopes you gets lots of foodables from Kim hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  16. A very Happy Gotcha Day to my Sister, Ahhh, is that white hair down your chest?

    Thats for Fab pic of you looking SOOOOOO Scottie like!

    The Mad Scots

  17. Aww, Jazzi, that puppy picture is just too cute! You have grown into a beautiful lady with the love and care of your family.
    Happy Gotcha Day!

  18. Happy Gotcha Day Jazzi! We hope you can score lots of illicit goodies while your pawrents are away.

    Millie & Walter
