I was doin...some surfin....the other day and guess what I found??

October 4th is
National Taco Day!! Who Knew?? I couldn't hardly believe my eyeballs~~could it be??? Yep, it is!! This is a day to honor this great yummy tasting Mexican food called T-a-c-o-s!!! Tacos can be made with lots of different stuffs inside a soft or hard shell. One of Moms friends puts spaghetti in em for the kids and they Wuv em. You can have Tacos for breakfast, lunch, dinner or fur even a snack. Tacos are actually really good fur all doggies. You have your meat group, the bread group with the shell, your veggie group with the lettuce and your milk group with the cheese~~now how can that not be good for any doggie?? And.....they are soo yummy!! You all know that I have a hankering for snaggin..Tacos when Kim isn't around now and again!! he he he!!

My friend
Edgar saw this on my blog and he had his Mom fix him some and guess what?? He loved em!!

Edgar and I have decided to team up and host a National Taco Day right here in Blogland. I know, I know October 4th has already past and had I known bout this sooner, we would have had it on October 4th. So instead we are having it on Dec 4th~~which is next Saturday.

So....lets all join in and celebrate National Taco day and make this day a big success by having your Moms whip up the tastiest Tacos ever and have her get you eatin... em them on the flashy box

Post your Taco eatin....pictures on Dec 4th. Cant wait to see all of your Taco pictures!! All those that join in and post their pictures will be given a little something special afterwards in the mail. Wanna know what it is???????? ~~~SORRY but I can't tell you, that would spoil all the fun HA!~~ENJOY!!! and here is the Official Taco guy!! Gotta love him!!

And...to make this even more exciting, Edgar is going to be hosting a drawing. He will put the names of all who post their Taco eatin..pics and put them all in a big bowl and on Sunday he will have a Taco drawing. How cool is that? That name will win a really neat surpise. You will have to go to his blog to find out who wins. I know what it is and actually I wish I had one. Here is
Edgar's blog to go on to Sunday.
Hey~~All this Taco talk is making me H-u-n-g-r-y fur some Tacos!! Hey Mom!! Can we have tacos tonight???