Ok, are you ready Mom?? Ewww....This is way too exciting!!!

Tank has Dory(dorys backyard)
Benny has Mango Man(mangos great adventures)
Lily has Jazzi(jazzisworld)
Jack has Tank(tanks two cents)
Frankie Furter has Bilbo(dorys backyard)
Jazzi has Sasha(sassy Sasha)
Lorenza has Lily(doggie days)
Dory has Jack(daily dose of Jack)
Bilbo has Pee Wee(mangos great adventures)
Sasha has Bambi(animal lover, quilt lover)
Mango man has Benny(doggie days)
Pee wee has Frankie Furter(frankly speaking)
Madi, has Olive(olive)
Olive has Lorenza(el Diario de Lorenza)
Bambi has Madi (the cat)(potpourri in NC)
Amazing animal lovers has Kennedy Funny Farm
Ina in Alaska~~Toby, Ginger, and Jeter has Amazing animal lovers
Courtney~~from Kennedy Funny Farm has Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly(Fiesty Three)
Cheryl~~Indiana, Shingo and Molly has Rocky Creek Scotties
Rocky Creek Scotties~~Lilly, Piper,Carrleigh and Java has Mitch and Maggie
The Airedales~~Mitch and Maggie has Ina from Alaska
The mailout date is Dec 15th. By the way, you can get a box for free at the post office….Size: 8 5/8 x 5 3/8 x 1 5/8 and ship anything in it up to 70 lbs for $4.95? It is their priority mail shipping, but it has to fit in that size box…..it is a good deal. So.......Happy Shopping Days!!! and....Have fun!!!!
This will be furry khool to see!
ReplyDeleteWe are sorry we khouldn't put our paw into the hat but we need our green papers fur Xterra juice fur transports....
Tank woo fur hostessing this!
Hi, Jazzi!
ReplyDeleteI am ready!
Thanks a lot!
Kisses and hugs
We can't wait to go shopping!
ReplyDeleteWe're on our way to Ina's blog! We haven't met her yet!
Thanks, Jazzi!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Jazzi! Just let us know about mailing addresses and what not. OK? Oh yeah, better remind us of when things are supposed to go out. Some people can get most distracted and forget to do things on time.
P.S. Can you send us the link to Benny? I don't think we know him.
Hi Snazzi,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sponsoring this exchange. Maggie and Mitch were our very first bloggie furiends. It will be a privilege to shop for them.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Jazzi you did a really Snazzi job of picking the names. I don't know Bilbo so it will be really fun to get aquainted. You and your mom did grrrreat. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteBILBO, I have never been to your blog. Would you PLEASE pop over to mine and leave your ADDY so I can mail your PRESSIE?
This will be so much fun!!!!
ReplyDeleteCan you please send me the sight of the person I have??? I have to check them out and send them an email.... I am so excited!!! YEAH!!!
HI again,
ReplyDeleteI think I just found them on your blog roll!
Hi Jazzi,
ReplyDeleteYeah I'm so excited. I've never gotten anything in the mail except a reminder from my Vet to bring in my poop and come get a shots.
Yippee I have Olive's name. I'll be in contact with her mom tomorrow.
Bambi has mine I can't wait to hear from her peeps.
Great job and thanks to you and Mom for hosting the gift party.
Madi and Mom
Jazzi please send me a link to Bambi or
ReplyDeletebetter Still
BAMBI's mom please contact us at
Madi and Mom
Jazzi I know Bambi's mom...Fern...no need to send anything to me.
ReplyDeleteMadi and Mom
Woo Hoo...let the shopping begin!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Jzzi for putting this all together!!!!
Whhooo whhooo...shoppin time... so Jazzi I need you to email me your address please
Benny & Lily
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for organizing and hosting! This is gonna be sooooooo fun!! Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly - don't think we know you yet? Can you visit www.kennedysfunnyfarm.blogspot.com and let us know how to get in touch with you? Many thanks!
Puppy Kisses, Sadie Lou
Yay!! I am so excited!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jazzi!!
Licks from Olive :)
Woohooooo!! I am so excited to shop for Bambi!!!! Thank you thank you thank you for making such great choices.
ReplyDeletelicks and sniffs Sasha
p.s. You have me Jazzi, how cool is that! I will email you my address
Woof! Hi There, It's Sugar. Lots of Thanks for finding and visiting my blog. Hopefully next time I'll participate in this great exchange holiday gift. Looking forward to your friendship. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
ReplyDeleteJazzi -
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea. We didn't sign up for this because our mom was too buzy with work! umpfh! But if you happen to have a last minute entry then please add us in so you can be even with the exchange.
Nellie & Calvert
Jazzi, thaks so much for doing this!!! It is going to be real fun!!
ReplyDeleteWe have Madi and that is going to be great!!
Thank-you Jazzi and Mom
Bambi and Fern
I have an award for you...come on by for it and few laughs :)
This is going to be SOOO much fun!! Do I just need to e-mail them for their mailing address!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Thank you thank you thank you.
ReplyDeleteand Thank you :)
This is going to be so much fun!