Thursday, October 4, 2012

National Taco Day

Finally, its here, National Taco Day. I am so thrilled that so many of you wanted to eat tacos. I hope that you had 87 tons of FUN and had some yummy tacos. Me and Addi had some Chicken/cheese Tacos~~we arent much for tomatoes and lettuce, and gee whiz Addi, we totally forgot our sombreros!!  See....we sit real good even with scrumptious tacos in front of us.
 Devouring the Tacos:

 Remember my new friend Jazzi? Well since she doesn't have her own blog yet, I am showing her pictures for her. Isn't she cute?
 Look at that eye she is giving her Mom. Already she cant believe that she cant eat in peace, darn camera!!
 Jazzi is a member of the clean plate club, that's for sure. Her mom said that this was a riot, cuz Jazzi had stuffs flying all over the place!!
Here is a list of others that are eating tacos today. I hope that they all remember to post their pictures!! Just click on their names and it should zip you right over to their blog, fingers crossed!! The winners of the drawing will be posted tomorrow.
Sun's sparks of life
Wyatt and Stanzie
Benny and Lily
Wallace and Samuel
Daisy, Bella and Roxy
Molly the Wally
Sweet William
Susie and Sidebite
Mitch and Molly
Joules and Prescott
Rocky Creek Scotties
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily and Mimi, (the slimmer pugs)
Frankie and Ernie
Chloe and Ladybug
Maggie Mae and Max
Louie and Teddy
Mango the Maltese
Mollie and Alfie
Shiloh’n Shasta
Winston, Amiee and Bella
Stanley and Murphy
Reilly and Denny


  1. Oh my... New Jazzi is so beautiful... I think I am in love... Can you tell her that I love her... please... *sigh*

    *shakes head*


    Thank you SO much for organising this GREAT event Jazzi, I LOVED Taco Day!

  2. I like the new Jazzi. Laughed at her eye!!!! Hehe. Happy Tacos Day!!!!

    Oh yes, you forgot us in your list. My babies are eating virtual tacos too, muahahaha. My post is already up. Hope you like it.


  3. Boy, I can't believe how well you and Addi sit there and wait for your tacos! Nice job! Your new friend is pretty cute. :))

  4. Hey Jazzi - i've just had my Taco dinner off your plate!! It was HEAVEN! Thanks for organising !!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  5. We have been droolin' over everyone's tacos. What a wonderful celebration..thanks Jazzi.

    The new Jazzi is adorable.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    Can't believe everyone had to wait so long to get the perfect photo.

  6. We wish we could say that we sat pretty to wait for our taco but that doesn't happen here.
    Jazzi definitely needs her own blog. She's got it down already!
    Our post is up, Jazzi!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  7. SHUT THE FRONT Jazzi is gorgeous!!! And she is a wheaten too!! Jazzi, do you think she'd be interested in a wheaten from South Africa??

    Ok, ok...focus Wallace! Sammy & I would like to sincerely thank you from the absolute bottom of our big Scottie hearts for introducing us to TACOS!! They are our new favourite food and Taco Day is our new favourite holiday!


    Wally & Sammy

  8. Hope you'll enjoyed your tacos!!:) I had a blast making mine, thanks for organizing this event, Jazzi

  9. Pawsome Taco Day Jazzi! We are so jelly of you all for getting such yummy foods today. Maybe next year we can pawticipate.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  10. Jazzi sorry we were unable to join in but we are so enjoying popping around Blogville and seeing all those Tacos. Please do let me know about Share It Sunday. Have a terrific Taco Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. Jazzi,
    Happy National Taco Day to you and Addy! We is so happy to be pawticipatin' in da celebration! Thanks again fur organizin' dis most wunderful event...yum!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  12. happy happy national taco day, miss jazzi!! my mama didn't know (can you believe it?!), so now we are gonna have tacos for dinner! WOOHOOOO!

    the booker man

  13. Me says we should celebrate TACO DAY once a week instead of once a year!


  14. Hey Snazzi, Ahem...Ahem...You left out the most important part about your new friend, Jazzi - she is part of the Rocky Creek Clan, remember?? She is a doll baby and we are so happy to see her pictures on your blog.

    Lilly, Piper and Ivy

  15. Adorable!! Wallace had such a fun time with this last night! I think he's going to be disappointed when it's not taco night for dinner tonight!

  16. Jazzi, my posh paws, you are really showing everbody how Taco Day is celebrated! The new Jazzi looks like she is a fast learner.
    Sniffs & Licks from your guy
    Sweet William The Scot

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Oh your tacos looked great. I am also a member of the clean plate club. No need to have MOM do dishes over here. I do a real good job. Thank you so much Jazzi for letting us all know of Taco day. It was a blast and very tasty. I'm hoping MOM will continue the festivities this weekend, one day is not enough. Your friend Jazzi is super cute and she knows how to eat a taco. Thanks again Jazzi!!!!!

  19. HOLY GWALK A MOLEY JAZZI you and Addie had.. OOOPS {{{BURrrrrrp}} Sorry girrrrls ... all these tacos have given us a MASS of Gas..
    What I was gonna say is... WOW look how many of us are enjoying TACOs with each other. I think there are at least 87 of us.. chowing down today.
    THANK YOU fur doing this fur us.
    Welcome to the OTHER Jazzi.
    Gotta go get Ernie and I some TUMS.

  20. What a fun morning watching everyone but me on blogville eating their tacos! Mom promised next year we would join in though...what fun!!!! that white jazzi is really pretty! have loads of fun today!
    stella rose

  21. thank you for inspiring our Mom to join in and create us a whole new treat......we are going to love tacos from now on

  22. Thanks for getting us tacos to eat Jazzi! Now, when is that national Ice Cream Day? Really, we gotta get our peeps with the program!

    Your Taco Eating Friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Pee Ess - We also got to eat some sirloin last night!

  23. Thank you for hosting Jazzi!!! I like your new friend too!

  24. This must be the BIGGEST holiday ever for you, Jazzi! Sorry about my blog....yes, I had already eaten my taco and then it was exercise time....gotta do that so I can eat even MORE tacos!

  25. Woof! Woof! We are enjoying reading everyone post. Many lucky pups eating DELISH Tacos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  26. I will DEFINITELY be eating a taco today. But I have to wait until dinner, after Momma gets home from work. I'll have a late-breaking post!

  27. OH MY Hot Taco's, was that some day or what, Taco's Taco's and more Taco's everywhere you looked, and waht a variety and there all looked great. Seen so many that I am gonna have nightmares about them tonight.

    Your Taco Pals
    The Senurita Sweetie Petunia and Hombre El Dude

    Pee;s can you send us the ne Jazzi blogsite, somehow we missed it, Thanks.

  28. Thanks guys this is the best day ever
    Benny & Lily

  29. Thanks bunches for hostin' Taco Day Jazzi!! Just LOVE Tacos! My first ever!!
    I love your taco eatin' technique guys...each very unique.
    I think the new Jazzi is goin' to fit right in here at Blogville....I see she already has lots of potential suitors waitin' for an introduction!!



  30. We Beaglebratz just wanted tue stop by an'thank-u fur havin'such a furry most wunnerful idea. TACOZ iz our new furry most FAV food now. We think TACOZ shoold b selebrated AT LEEST each month.
    Shiloh'n the DIVA Shasta

  31. I can not believe I missed out on all the fun! I have never had a Taco before, Mum says that they are yummy and that she will let me have one soon, it looks tacotastic all those doggys with their Tacos, I'm so hungry now, drool... happy taco day jazzi love Frank the tank XxxxX

  32. Jazzi
    Thank you so vewy much fow having this mawveloos day
    It was the fiwstest time in my life that I had a Taco come and see..I ate evewy last bite
    I think you and Addie awe soopew well behaved sitting and waiting and little Jazzi is adowabull.
    I did have 87thousand tons of fun
    smoochie kisses

  33. Boy you are so graceful when eating your Tacos. We finally got our Peep to go get our Tacos. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  34. Those chicken and cheese tacos looks DEEEEEELICIOUS! Lucky!!!

    Lots of licks,
    Swisher and Oakley

  35. Yum! Happy Taco day! We didn't get to post our pictures today cuz mom had to "work" :( But I should be able to make her get them up tomorrow

  36. Jazzi!!!!! Sorry, I am late, but you know I would never miss Taco Day!! Of course, my silly assistant didn't give me a taco today, but I thought maybe you might have an extra one around here???

    Your pal, Pip

  37. Oooh, Jazzi, Addi, & New Jazzi,
    this Taco Day has been a huge success, don't u think? thanks you guys for the great idea.
    Get your belly rubs in while you're all full!
    Joules & Prescott

  38. Jazzi, New Jazzi is such a cutie and what a great job she did. I missed Taco Day cause we were celebrating my Sisters Birthday. They went out for Mexican and so I did get a taco. I hope you had a great day and ate lots of tacos. I don't like the lettuce or tomato either.

    Loveys Sasha

  39. We really REALLY appreciate your organizing this great event Jazzi...especially because we have never eaten a taco before and we have now discovered that we LOVE them as much as you do!! We are currently in negotiation with Mama to see if we could have Taco Night every week!! Thanks again!! So FUN! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  40. "Jazzi's World" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  41. That was a spectacular Taco Day! I visited everyone. Thanks you Posh Paws for making it happen.
    Sniffs & Licks from your guy
    Sweet William The Scot

  42. We totally missed taco day. We just learned about it on Khyra's blog. She enjoyed hers.

  43. I missed it! I need to make up for that...

  44. "New friend" Jazzi takes after her mother, in looks, witch hat, habits, and all! Carrleigh is president of the clean plate club.
